Caaribbean Server Hosting, agrees to provide services to the Subscriber, subject to the following TOS (Terms of Service).
Use of Caribbean Server Hosting constitutes acceptance and agreement of Caribbean Server Hosting Accetable Use Policy as well as Caribbean Server Hosting TOS (Terms of Service).
All provisions of this contract are subject to the TOS (Terms of Service) of Caribbean Server Hosting, and Accetable Use Policy. The Accetable Use Policy may be changed from time to time at the discretion of Caribbean Server Hosting. Subscriber understands that change to the Accetable Use Policy by Caribbean Server Hosting shall not be grounds for early contract termination or non-payment.
This Agreement shall be construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of United States Of America.
1. Disclosure:
The Accetable Use Policy specifically prohibits the use of our service for illegal activities. Therefore, Subscriber agrees that Caribbean Server Hosting may disclose any and all subscriber information including assigned IP numbers, account history, account use, etc. to any law enforcement agent who makes a written request without further consent or notification to the Subscriber.
Caribbean Server Hosting shall have the right to terminate all services set forth in this Agreement to any illegal activities.
2. Account Setup
Caribbean Server Hosting will setup your Service on receipt of the first payment made. You must provide Caribbean Server Hosting with an email address where all details of the Service paid for will be sent to you and so that you can be contact in case of an abuse issue.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your email address on file is current and up to date at all times. Providing false contact information of any kind may result in the termination of your Service. Certain orders will take two to three days to be sent to you.
3. Payments and Fees:
Establishment of this service is dependent upon receipt by the Company of payment of the stated charges. Subsequent payments are due on the anniversary date of the month for that month´s service. Caribbean Server Hosting do not take any automatic charges on Subscriber’s cards. Caribbean Server Hosting has no access to Credit, debit or prepaid cards used by its customers. Caribbean Server Hosting only sends invoices and reminders to customers. All payments are process through a third party Card Processing company.
All services will be interrupted on accounts that remain unpaid 4 days past the due date, except Dedicated Server. The non-payment on Dedicated Server may result in immediate service interruption or termination. Service interrupted for non-payment is subject to a $50.00 USD reconnection charge.
If you wish to cancel your account, please follow the proper procedures as outlined in this TOS. Servers that are terminated for non payment will be considered abandoned and forfeited.
4. Failure to Pay:
Caribbean Server Hosting may temporarily deny service or terminate this Agreement upon the failure of Subscriber to pay charges when due. Such termination or denial will not relieve Subscriber of responsibility for the payment of all accrued charges, plus reconnection charge.
5. Service Rates:
Subscriber acknowledges that the nature of the service and the initial rates and charges have been communicated to Subscriber. The amount subscriber pays for hosting will never increase from the date of purchase. However, subscriber is aware that the Company may change the specified rates, plans and resources from time to time. Any promotional offer is contingent upon Caribbean Server Hosting achieving and maintaining its cost of service goals including but not limited to rates charged to Caribbean Server Hosting by its suppliers.
6. Service Cancellation:
All requests for cancellation of Services must be made from ( ) with at least 15 days notice before payment is due. You must include all service information to cancel and ensure you have no outstanding payment on these Services.
7. Outstanding Service Balance:
All outstanding invoices must be paid before any cancellation request is processed.
8. Refunds and Disputes:
All payments to Caribbean Server Hosting are nonrefundable Unless one of the service is out of stock or proven faulty. It is the customer’s right to open a dispute but Caribbean Server Hosting together will card processing company will investigate fully before any returns are made. All services all be paused once there is a dispute.
9. Subscriber acknowledges:
The service provided is of such a nature that it can be interrupted for many reasons. Therefore, Subscriber agrees that the Caribbean Server Hosting shall not be liable for any damages. In no event shall Caribbean Server Hosting be liable for any special or consequential damages, loss or injury.
10. Invoicing:
Caribbean Server Hosting sends out invoices 5 days before the date on which payment becomes due. Invoices are sent to your email address.
11. Support Boundaries:
Customers can send email or full out the contact form on the website at any time for support. Customers can call only between working hours 8am to 4pm Est time on business days. No weekend and holiday calls unless agreed by customer support.
Caribbean Server Hosting job is only to provider service and make sure service is on, hardware is functioning and bandwidth is good. all customers are required to manage services given to them. Caribbean Server Hosting will charge any customer who needs additional help based on work that needs to be done.
12. Suspension of Service or Cancellation:
Caribbean Server Hosting reserves the right to suspend network access to any Subscriber if inappropriate activity is detected, all services of the Subscriber in question will be deactivated until an investigation is completed. Prior notification to Subscriber is not assured. In extreme cases, law enforcement will be contacted regarding the activity. Subscriber will not be credited for the time the machines were suspended.
13. Indemnification:
Caribbean Server Hosting wishes to emphasize that in agreeing to the Caribbean Server Hosting Acceptable Use Policy (Accetable Use Policy) and Terms of Service (TOS), Subscriber indemnifies Caribbean Server Hosting for any violation of the Acceptable Use Policy (Accetable Use Policy) and Terms of Service (TOS) that results in loss to Caribbean Server Hosting or the bringing of any claim against Caribbean Server Hosting by any third party. This means that if Caribbean Server Hosting is sued because of a Subscriber´s activity, the Subscriber will pay any damages awarded against Caribbean Server Hosting, plus all costs and attorney´s fees.
Subscriber acknowledges that the service provided is of such a nature that service can be interrupted for many different reasons and interruptions can be prolonged due to external or internal events. Therefore, Subscriber agrees that Caribbean Server Hosting shall not be liable for any damages arising from such loss of service for any reason. In no event shall Caribbean Server Hosting be liable for any special or consequential damages, loss or injury.
14. Miscellaneous Provisions:
You must provide us with and keep current contact information. Name, E-Mail and telephone contacts are used in that order of preference.
A waiver by the Company of any breach of any provision of this Agreement by Subscriber shall not operate as or be construed as a continuing or subsequent waiver thereof or as a waiver of any breach of any other provision thereof.
Subscriber shall not transfer or assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Caribbean Server Hosting. Caribbean Server Hosting may assign Agreement at anytime without consent from or notice to Subscriber. Caribbean Server Hosting reserves right to cancel customers rights under this contract at anytime without further obligation.
Caribbean Server Hosting takes no responsibility for any material input by others and not posted to the Caribbean Server Hosting Network by Caribbean Server Hosting. Caribbean Server Hosting is not responsible for the content of any other websites linked to Caribbean Server Hosting Network; links are provided as Internet navigation tools only. Caribbean Server Hosting disclaims any responsibility for any such inappropriate use and any liability to any person or party for any other person or party´s violation of this policy.
Caribbean Server Hosting is not responsible for any damages your business may suffer. Caribbean Server Hosting does not make implied or written warranties for any of our services. Caribbean Server Hosting denies any warranty or merchantability for a specific purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, hardware failures, non-deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by Caribbean Server Hosting.
15. Responsibility for Content:
You, as Caribbean Server Hosting Subscriber, are solely responsible for the content stored on and served by your Caribbean Server Hosting server.
Caribbean Server Hosting reserves the right to refuse service.